FY24 Philadelphia SWE Officers

Section Officers
To contact each officer, please click her name.
President: Jen Casta
Senior Vice President: Emily Sneddon
Vice President – Outreach: Alyssa Stecco
Vice President – Professional Development: Enya Hughes
Recording Secretary: Julianne Kerwood
Corresponding Secretary: Noelle Parisi
Treasurer: Julie Williams
Committee Chairs
We are currently updating this section for FY24 and welcome volunteers interested in any position to reach out to a current Section Officer for more information!
For more information on each role, please click the title. To contact each officer, please click her name.
Outreach Group
Certificate of Merit: OPEN
Collegiate Liaison: Katie Martin
Girl Scouts Chair: OPEN
Scholarship Chair: OPEN
Science Fair Coordinator: OPEN
Professional Development Group
Awards Coordinator: OPEN
Awards Banquet Chair: Ladan Abbasi
Corporate Liaison: Laura Savage
Communications Group
Membership: OPEN
Social Media Chair: Danielle Schroeder
Webmaster: Maria Legato
Collegiate Counselors
We are currently updating this section for FY24 and welcome volunteers interested in acting as a Counselor for a particular school to reach out to a current Section Officer for more information!
Bryn Mawr College: OPEN
Drexel University: Danielle Schroeder
Elizabethtown College: Jessie Gmeider
Swarthmore College: Rebecca Rose
Temple University: OPEN
University of Pennsylvania: OPEN
Villanova University: OPEN
Widener University: MaryAnn Skehan
If you would like a copy of the master list of all previous elected officers for the Philadelphia SWE, please fill out our contact form.